Kitchen owners are unaware of what’s in their kitchen.
K-List provides a kitchen inventory that allows users to know what they have and what they need thereby saving time and money.
I was the sole designer of this mobile application and I used Marvel and Keynote as Prototyping tools.
Once the problem was clear, I started iterating on the best way to present the data and optimizing the user interaction. I sketched different solutions and through user testing I realized that the best direction was to present the user with a grid of products sorted by their location in the kitchen. Further iteration allowed me to create a simple slider interface for the user to increase or decrease the amount of the product.
Creating a paper prototype allowed me to clearly visualize the product and get feedback from users. Then, a hi fidelity prototype allowed me to improve based on the previous iterations.
Integrating K-LIST with a wearable device allows the user to access the inventory information without having to use their mobile.